Easy Way to Build Good Habits

Good habits are easy to create when you use the right tools. Here’s how I did it!

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Clarence Fisher: On today's episode... The real key to becoming to losing a hundred pounds or more and keeping it off is creating an entire, creating a new identity. Because we act, human beings act in accordance to who they believe they are. We cannot do that. So if we're running around thinking we're fat, and we're running around thinking we're lazy and we're losers, and we're all of these things, then we act in accordance to that.

Clarence Fisher: Creating new habits is hard. Breaking bad habits even harder. At times, both seem downright impossible. We can usually get something done or avoid it for a day or maybe a week, but a month, a season, a year, forget about it. What's up? It's Clarence "Big Juice" Fisher. Welcome to 100 Pound Party. Listen, I've bred forced my way, white knuckled my way to make things happen all the way up until now. But after listening to this episode, after I share with you what I have found out, you're going to be able to "slight right" your way to a new success that you can only dream of. Listen, seriously, any habit you want to create, you can start today, right after you finish listening. If you wanna break a bad habit, you can do that right after listening to this episode. What I'm about to tell you has changed my life, and I've only been doing it for a couple of weeks. I lost 111 pounds without what I'm about to share with you. So it's gonna be a much easier time for me now, and I can't wait to share it with you.

Intro: Welcome to the 100 Pound Party Podcast with Big Juice, uncovering weight loss tips, tools and strategies used by everyday people to lose 100 pounds or more and keep it off for good.

Clarence Fisher: Okay, we are back. And again, thanks for showing back up, , uh, revisiting the party. Hey, listen, I think, do you believe in things just kind of like happening, like nothing happens for, like, everything happens for a reason. I do. I really do. You know that I believe in slight right and I thought that I kind of coined that term slight right? And at least in the way that, at least in the way that we do it, where you think of something that you want to do and you just do the smallest piece that you can. So when I wanted to run a 5k, I mean, what's the smallest thing I could do? Or when I wanted to lose weight? Let's take it back to that. What's the smallest thing I could do? Well, I could get up out of the bed and the next day I can get up out of the bed and I can go to the porch.

Clarence Fisher: I can walk outside and the next day walk to the end of the driveway. I won't go back through it, but you can go to episode one and you can hear how I started doing that and how I came up with what this term called slight right, right?Well, as I am doing the research for this podcast and trying to figure out ways to further my success, I run across this book and this book is called Tiny Habits, and I thought, Okay, that sounds a bit familiar, It's by this Dr. BJ Fog, and he wrote a book called Tiny Habits. Make sure that I got his name right. Did I get his name right? Nah, make sure, Make sure, Where's your name? Yeah. BJ Fog. F O G G. And, uh, he wrote this book called Tiny Habits, which I am reading right now and I feel kind of bad, I haven't finished the book yet, but I wanted to get this out to you because as I was reading it, I thought, Man, this is like slight rights, but he calls it Tiny Habits.

Clarence Fisher: So I guess I was onto something that he was already on and has already put a book out and and, uh, built this entire program over, and I'm recommending it right now. Hopefully we can get him on the podcast at some point because he also has coaches and stuff like that. And I think I'm going to get certified in the Tiny Habits structure because I mean, there's a little bit that we do differently, probably enough to where I can still stick with the whole slight right theme, but it's really close to tiny habits. So I wanna share this with you in how to create a new habit very, very quickly, because I mean, for me, as far as slight right goes was just decide what you want to do and then, and then break it down to the exact, to the smallest little piece that you could do and then start creating that habit.

Clarence Fisher: But the way that he's done it, and I'm sure through tons of research, is he's broken it down to three parts. And that's what I'm gonna share with you today. It's gonna be super quick. It's gonna be a short podcast today. So number one is figure out what, number one, figure out what you wanna do, but then you want to anchor the habit, the habit that you want to create. You want to anchor that moment to an existing routine in your life, okay? For him, he was like, Hey, I want to get stronger. This, here's an example. I want to get stronger. So every time I pee or use the restroom afterwards, I'll drop down, do two pushups, wash my hands, and then I will celebrate. No, he says, I will drop down, do pushup, do two pushups, then celebrate, then he'll wash his hands and go about his day.

Clarence Fisher: So what he's done, he's anchored the two pushups to peeing, which something that happens every single day. So that's one thing you have to look out for. You wanna anchor it to something that you're going to do anyway, like whatever the habit is. And so I started trying, I started trying that. I was like, Hey, okay, I can do that. I want to get stronger after I pee, I'll do two pushups. And here is the thing though that he adds, is you have to celebrate afterwards. And it sounds really hokey, but there's something to it. The celebration makes you want to feel that dopamine hit again. So go to the bathroom, do two pushups, uh, celebrate, and to celebrate could be anything. It could be raising your hand in the air or pumping like yes, like Serena Williams does. It could just be a feeling, a feeling of this is what I do now.

Clarence Fisher: A feeling of, oh man, I'm getting strong. Hey, or, uh, you know, a feeling of just accomplishment or whatever. So it could be a feeling, it could be a thumbs up, it could be as much, as much as you wanna celebrate, celebrate, and you have to celebrate. So the three steps are after I will, I will do this, then I celebrate. And so you figure it out for me. Also, I kind of do some habit stacking because of what I read in Atomic Habits and because Atomic Habits, they have what's called a keystone habit, and that's gonna be your anchor. So for me, I was doing, after I pee, I will go drink 20 ounces of water, and that's how I was able to drink a gallon of water a day. And that has helped me with my weight loss. So you pee, you know, you got some water out, and then this is a whole bunch of peeing today, like everything is based on pee.

Clarence Fisher: So I mean that , you don't have to do that. Uh, that's just my life is pissy . So you, so after I pee, I would drink more water. So what I did was I kind of stacked this to where after ip I will do two pushups and then I will go drink 20 ounces of water, and then I would celebrate. I actually had a coach that I went through their little free, the tiny habits free thing. And you can do that too. You can go to, I'll put a link to their website. You can do the tiny habits kind of week long free thing where they'll walk you through this process, which I did. And my coach was like, you know, you should probably just have one habit. And I'm like, uh, you don't know me, I'm a boss. I'm doing 30 habits .

Clarence Fisher: So, uh, really I'm just habit stacking those two. Okay? So you can do that though. So what I want to share with you today, okay, so there's the anchor moment after I blank, this is what you want to do. After I blank, I will blank. That I will blank is a tiny behavior. This is what we call a slight right. The new habit that you want. But it scaled back to be super tiny and super easy. For instance, he gives this example of he didn't, he didn't like flossing his teeth. So he told himself he would only floss one tooth, you know, after, I can't remember what the anchor was, it was before bed or whatever, he would floss one tooth. And even with the pushups, the tiny part is he's only gonna do two pushups. Like you have to do at least the two pushups.

Clarence Fisher: If you want to do more, you can do more, but it's, Hey, I'm only gonna do two pushups. Hey, I'm only gonna floss one tooth. Well, you know what happens? You're, this is floss one tooth, but if you do floss one tooth, you can quit. And this reminded me so much of the slight right method of I'm only gonna walk on the treadmill five minutes, that's it. And I'm not gonna feel ashamed by anyone looking around or looking at me at Planet Fitness or around the block, or when I get to the track, I'm gonna walk five minutes and I'm going home. Some days I feel like I'm going to do more, so I'll walk a bit more, but I'm not obligated to that. I am winning, winning . Remember when that was a big deal with, uh, what was it, Charlie? She, So that's what I would say.

Clarence Fisher: After five minutes, everybody's looking at me and I'm walking out winning . You know what I'm saying? So that's the tiny behavior. What is the smallest piece that you can do and then celebrate? If you do that thing, if it's after dinner, you'll set up the coffee pot or after whatever habit you want to create, or whatever habit you want to break. If you're gonna break a habit, of course, you know, you want to make it, it make things difficult and inaccessible. But we have so many, we have so many good habits that we want to create, and we think that they're so, they're so huge. So what are the habits that you feel like you need to do or you need to have to be the new you, you know, what's your new identity? We talked about that before.

Clarence Fisher: Well, we haven't talked about it before, but if you've downloaded the, the motivational report that we used to give away in there, we talk about the real key to becoming to losing a hundred pounds or more and keeping it off is creating is creating a new identity. Because we act, human beings act in accordance to who they believe they are. We cannot do that. So if we're running around thinking we're fat, and we're running around thinking we're lazy and we're losers, and we're all of these things, then we act in accordance to that. We let the binges take over, like I talked about last week. You know, you just wanna get a good, uh, Jerry Springer moment looking at my life. And last week I told you about that. And so I'm getting back on it and using these tiny habits in order to keep going.

Clarence Fisher: So back on it, after I pee, I'm doing two pushups and I'm drinking 20 gallon, not 20 gallons, but 20 ounces of water. So what I want you to do, this is what I wanted to share with you, you, is I'm going to put a link down to the, this is how much I love this. I'm not getting paid for this or anything. I'm gonna put a link down to the Tiny Habits website. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, put the book down there and let's read this together. Go to 100poundparty.com/ask juice, or you can go to the website and just click the button and let me know if you've read it or leave me a message. Uh, and let's go through this, this month and finish this book. And I'm gonna see if I can get either, I would really love to get BJ Fogg on here at some point, and then also maybe one of their coaches or something that can coach us through this.

Clarence Fisher: But this is the simple thing that I wanted to share with you. Figure out what you wanna do after. I will, after I blank, I will blank. Then celebrate and then anchor that to something you already do. After I do this, I will do this then I will celebrate. Those are the tiny habits. Those are what we call slight rights, and you will win. Hey, if this helped you, do me a favor, like, uh, you know, subscribe to the podcast, share this on Facebook, Instagram, wherever you can. Hashtag slight right hashtag slight right? Tag me. All right? And share this with somebody. If you go to 100poundparty.com, you can also subscribe to our newsletter. I know that's a ton of stuff that I'm telling you to do. I'm only supposed to tell you one thing but I'll get better at this thing, okay? Until next week. Slight isn't sexy, but it works. I'll see you next week.


Clarence Fisher

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About This Episode

Habits are powerful things. They can change your life in ways you never imagined possible! The problem is they can be hard to build and keep.

In this episode, we’ll discuss the easy way to create healthy habits and stick to them, including making a plan that fits into your lifestyle.

If you’re looking for a way to finally make your healthy changes stick, this episode is for you! Listen now!

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