How to Bounce Back After A Binge or Overeating


After bingeing or overeating, it’s hard to think of anything but failure. But with the right approach and motivation, you can get back on track!

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Intro: On today's episode...

Clarence Fisher: Stupid, Stupid!!! Because you know, you know what I'm, you know what I'm, where I'm going, right?

Clarence Fisher: Why do we celebrate that way? Why does it always have to be food?

Clarence Fisher: And I know this, I know this over a decade. It's like, find a new way to celebrate. Find a way to celebrate that does not include an entire pizza.

Clarence Fisher: Hey, hey, hey. Welcome to the next episode of 100 Pound Party. What's up? It's Clarence Big Juice Fisher in your ear hole. Again. Did I say ear hole? ? I don't know if I can get away with saying that. Okay, So in your ear, again, Hey, listen, I am trying to be upbeat, but I've got some real stuff to share with you today. And we all, we all deal with it. And it's binge eating. It's overeating. What do you do? So today, because I'm recovering from my own binge, and I'll share, I'll share more with you after the intro here. I promise it's, it's bad , but we're gonna go over 10 ways to bounce back after the binge. And I'm gonna share with you the number one method that I've always used or not say always, uh, since I learned about it, I've used to successfully get back on track and how you can start right now, because I have to start right now. So I thought, man, this is a great time. Get in here, record this for you. So that number one, you can cheer me on cuz I need the cheering and I need the prayers. And, uh, then also maybe I will trigger something for you where you say, Hey, next time I have a binge, I really hope you don't. But next time you have a binge, you can use one of these tackles. Hold on, don't go anywhere. I'll be right back.

Intro: Welcome to the 100 Pound Party Podcast with Big Juice, uncovering weight loss, tips, tools, and strategies used by everyday people to lose 100 pounds or more and keep it off for good.

Clarence Fisher: This was, it was so crazy. My wife and I sat in my doctor's office, my cardiologist's office, okay? And I had to, I had to wait a few months in order to get in to see him, to make sure that I was seeing the test results correct? That this was just a few months ago and I told you, On this podcast, I'm going to share my real, my real life, my real deal, what I've gone through to lose weight and what I've been fighting. And, you know, we had this, this expensive, expensive heart cardio, what they call it, a cardiac MRI done several months ago. And when the results came, man, I looked, I was in bed, I looked at my wife and I was like, Are you serious? So we set this follow up appointment and I couldn't get in to see, you know, he's super, super good.

Clarence Fisher: So I couldn't get back in to see him for a couple of months for the explanation because I needed a deeper explanation than what the, you know, the person, the assistant that calls you and tells you know, what the doc has said or whatever. And I'm like, uh, you can't leave it at that. And she was like, Well, if you need to speak with him, you need to make another appointment anyway. Make another appointment. It's like two months. It's crazy. Like the time that's going by, the anticipation. Finally, we walk in and, and we're asking him, What the heck do you mean by normal? Like, everything's good. I didn't get it because for the last 12 years, what kicked off this hundred this whole 100 Pound Party thing. I was diagnosed with heart failure. One of my left ventricle was like barely, barely pumping.

Clarence Fisher: And I was over 330 something pounds, heavily drank alcohol, smoked, did everything. right? And so then I end up with this diagnosis, and then that starts this whole, if you go listen to episode one, that gives you even a, even a, a more fuller context of why I could only, the very first thing I I decided to do was just to walk outside. Like, I did not, I didn't start excise. I couldn't, I couldn't. So what I could do was walk outside and the next day, maybe the next week, I was like, I can get to the end of the driveway. It was bad. But here I am, 12, 13 years later, and the doctor is telling me it's gone. So, and this is crazy. Beyond prayers, beyond doing all the work that I've done, I've lost 111 pounds beyond all of that. I'm still looking at him.

Clarence Fisher: And I know he got almost frustrated with me after about 30 minutes of asking questions. But wouldn't you, what are you like after, after, I mean, you've done the work, you feel like, I mean, you'll hear, you feel like you've had prayer answered, but you just wanna make sure. So that's where my wife and I were a couple of months ago. And this, you know, going through that and, you know, they were like, Hey, you definitely had an event there. I mean, we can't say, you know, they, they, they never say healed you. You can't say that. But there is nothing wrong with your heart. This is the quotes that would affect your mortality. Crazy. We did. He said, You did it. You did it, you did it. I'm like, Okay, well let's go. After 30, 45 minutes upsetting him and his assistant is like, Dude, can you just take the good news and and run with it?

Clarence Fisher: They said, Hey, we still gotta watch it. I mean, you definitely had an event, but as it stands right now, it's resolved. Oh my goodness. So if you're dealing with something like this, I wanna tell you that what, no matter what they say that it's impossible, Which is what I was told. It's never gonna change. It's never gonna get better. And all I could think about was, okay, well I'm not going to just lay here and die, so I'm going to at least walk or do something or do something. I'm just gonna tell you, I'm, I'm telling you right now that miracles do happen. Okay? So tell them to run, tell that, but we're leaving the again. She said, You know, we gotta watch it. So we don't want any relapses or anything like that and just keep doing what you're doing. I'm like, All right, cool.

Clarence Fisher: So we're on the highway and I tell my wife, How are we gonna celebrate? Stupid, stupid! Because you know, you know what I'm, you know what I'm, where I'm going, right? Why do we celebrate that way? Why does it always have to be food? And I know this, I know this over a decade. It's like, find a new way to celebrate find, find a way to celebrate that does not include an entire pizza. Oh, find a way to celebrate that, that, oh, and then you say, Hey, I'm just gonna have one piece of pizza. And you know, dad gum, Well, you can't do that. I'm not saying you can. I'm talking about me. Okay? And I know this and we're driving, and my wife who has gone through this as you probably have a partner who is going through these challenges with you, you know, she doesn't struggle like I do with weight, at least not to the she'll tell you, she'll tell you, uh, oh, I'm fluffy.

Clarence Fisher: And I'm like, uh, no . But anyway, she doesn't struggle with the addiction at all the way that, that I struggle with it. But if you do have a spouse, then you understand what I'm about to say. And they, and if they're listening right now, they understand that they go through it with you. And a lot of times it's worse for them because they can't fully understand why you can't just stop. So trying to avoid any future listening to me blow up and, and pity old pity me. She's trying to stop the binge. She says, Well, you don't need to go overboard. I mean, you don't need to. I mean, what is it that you really want? I mean, just can just get that. And I thought, Okay, I just really want chips in Caso. That's really what I want. I just want chips in quezo so can look, can we just, we just get chips in quezo.

Clarence Fisher: So she was like, Okay, so the promise is I'm just going to have chips in quezo. So, and then that's it. We're back on it. We celebrate, Hey, we're back on it tomorrow. Well, I gotta have this quezo from this restaurant and the chips from this restaurant, right? And so we get the chips from this restaurant, but you can't really, I didn't even think about it. You can't order just the queso. I guess I could have, if I was being smart, I could have said, Hey, keep the chips. I only need the queso. But I didn't. So they gave me chips in queso from this restaurant. So I had chips in queso and I, or I all, you know what? I didn't need a cup of quezo. All I really needed, I didn't need the large quezo, I just needed like, I really just needed to taste the quezo.

Clarence Fisher: That's really all I needed. But no, no, I'm sitting here with two big bags of chips, big old bowl of quezo, and, uh, went to town the next day. Nah, I didn't throw the chips away the night before. The next day I woke up with chips. And somehow, let me tell you this, this is how it ended up. And I'm sorry, I'm, this, uh, story's going a bit long, but you know what I'm talking about. I have a program, a software called Simpleology that I've used for years that I have tracked over the last, uh, I don't know, uh, it's probably been 10 years, every single day of my weight. And this happened on August 23rd, 26th. I was 223.4 pounds, okay? Today I weighed in at 254 pounds, 254.6 pounds. That is 31 pounds in the span of less than two months. That is ridiculous. And by the way, my two, and just for accountability sake, my 100 Pound Party weight is 230. So I'm walking around and you know, the guilt that you feel with binging. I'm walking around thinking, how am I going to run this podcast? How am I going to be teaching people you Juice, you cannot get above your a hundred pound party weight. You cannot.

Clarence Fisher: And I thought, you know, I can't do an episode until I get back. But I thought, what, what? Okay, hold on. Number one, you know, you're my people. You know exactly what I'm going through. And so I don't ever want to get to the point where I'm hiding the truth from you because it's part of my therapy. Part of my therapy is like having a, a community and a group of people that where I'm like, Dude, I'm failing. Help me get back on track. And that's, that's what this is. So I'm, I'm gonna keep it real. So definitely my goal, you know, I gotta get back. I gotta get back. I'm not gonna jump in on other people's podcasts and continue to do podcasts and get above that.

Clarence Fisher: That is a hard line for me, is a standard like Tony Robbins always says, I mean, you have to, you don't get what you want. You get what your standards are. And so my standard has to be for me to stay below that 100 Pound Party weight at least. And so that's another 24 pounds I gotta get back down, okay? So it's just crazy to me how quickly and how much do you have to eat for that to happen over a month and a half? And I, you know, I share this with people, you know, people in my life who don't struggle, like I struggle. And they're like, There's no way you gained that much weight. But I'm like, here's the documentation from 223.4 all the way up till 256. And I'll post this in the, in the show notes, just so you can kinda see that. And you know, of course through this while it's going on, I'm telling myself, Stop. You do the same thing. Probably. You're like, stop.

Clarence Fisher: Like while you're eating, stop. So finally I was at a, um, I was speaking at a conference last week, and this is so crazy. I told you I was, I was, I drank a lot, a lot, lot. Matter of fact, I had like court appointed, uh, AA because I got pulled over and like, I know I was on the side of the road sleep. This is, I know you're like, Hey man, this podcast is crazy. Side of the road trying to sleep it off. Cop knocks on the door. And it was like February or so, I mean, it was so cold. So I left the car running and uh, I got a DUI even though I was in the back seat and just trying to stay warm. I got a, I got a DUI. And so anyway, I ended up at court appoint AA and in aa, big up to AA.

Clarence Fisher: I mean, in AA, when you go around and you had to say, Hey, my name is whatever, and I'm an alcoholic. My name is whatever, and I'm an alcoholic. And every time they get to me, I'd say, Hey, my name is Clarence. I, mm, I can't say that how, to me, I believe the mind. I believe, uh, you know, words mean things. And I don't think I'm an alcoholic. So I'm not gonna say I'm an alcoholic because if I say I'm an alcoholic, then I'm gonna become an alcoholic . You know what I'm saying? So I was just driving my court appointed person crazy. Like every, every meeting. And I don't even know if I finished that. I wonder if she just like signed it off for me finally. But I say all that to say, I'm at this conference and it's the day before I fly home and I go up to my room, it's like 10:30.

Clarence Fisher: It's been a long day. And I'm thinking, you know what? So I go down to the bar, I get in the elevator, I go down to the bar and I'm sitting at the bar. The guy that the bartender asked me, you know, What can I get for you buddy? And I look at him and I say, A piece of cheesecake, Let me get a piece of cheesecake. And if, again, if you listen to the very first episode of 100 Pound Party, you realize, you understand that a piece of cheesecake is just about the equivalent to falling off the wagon . So I get my cheesecake, I go back to my room and I'm thinking, this bro, you are not sitting here eating cheesecake at 10:30 PM what are you doing? So I fly home, I'm like, You gotta get back. You gotta bounce back.

Clarence Fisher: You have to bounce back from this. You are going back. So I promised myself I would. So how do you do that? Well, I'll wing myself off. I've always, these quest cookies have always been given me a, um, kind of satisfying that sweet tooth, but also is protein, right? The problem is you're only supposed to eat one of them. And I found myself in the store earlier today. I walked into the store to get a box of the Quest cookies. And uh, I got two boxes. And I'm sitting in my office thinking you're about to finish both of these freaking boxes. Get in there, record that podcast, and tomorrow you're done. Matter of fact, you're done. Now finish those two and you're done. So I took a picture, I took a picture as an accountability, and I'm gonna post that in the show notes.

Clarence Fisher: You're not gonna believe it. I've got two boxes of these quest cookies and I've got rappers everywhere. And this picture is just showing to myself and to you how ridiculous I've gotten. So you and I are gonna go through this together, bouncing back from this binge. Thanksgiving is coming up, Halloween is coming up at the end of the month. I don't know if you celebrate that. If you got kids or whatever. This fall is the time is my worst time. I, I gain again, I don't wanna say all my way in the past, I've gained all my way back, but I'm not doing that anymore. But I gain way more than I want to. So let's go through this on how to bounce back from a binge. Hopefully your binges don't last a month in a freaking half like mine, and you don't gain 30 pounds.

Clarence Fisher: Good thing if there's a good thing here is like, if I can get, if I can get back, it's not gonna come off as quickly for whatever reason. That's the curse we have. You know, you can gain 20, 30 pounds and it never comes back off the same. You're set back for six months for whatever reason. But let's go on this journey, Okay? So I, I looked up how to get off of a binge, how to bounce back. Now I know what works for me and I'm gonna share that with you. But I pulled up this article from Eat This, Not that, which I've kind of started spending a lot of time on that, that website. And I'm gonna post this article in the, in the show notes. So I'll go through it really quick. They've got 17 best ways, but I don't agree with, with everything that they have here, which is not a bad thing.

Clarence Fisher: You know, there are things that you believe that I won't believe and things that I believe that you won't believe. I mean, when you have gone through this, like we have, you find out that it's not one size fits all for anything, that's a lie. And as soon as somebody, a personal trainer, somebody starts telling you it ha they are so absolute, you know, they're full of crap and you don't take their advice because there is no absolute, You don't, you don't know me, they don't know you. You know, you, you've got, do you know, do you know how, how this is this, this just tears me up how people treat, how small people treat bigger people Like we are, like we don't know, like we haven't been through almost everything under the sun to get to what may work a little bit for me.

Clarence Fisher: But everybody, I'll get off of that. But that, that gets to me sometimes how smaller people can be like, you know, you just need to do this. Oh really? . So let's go through this 17 ways. And, and if you're, if you have the show notes pulled up, you can click this. Number one is, is first of all forgive yourself. This is, this is what Eat this, Not that. And I'll just go through it really quick. I'll tell, I'll show you the ones that I agree with, the ones I don't agree with. And then I'll give you really quickly the, what's worked for me. Cause I don't want this to run too long. But number one, first of all, forgive yourself. And I agree with that. At some point today, even though when you look at the picture, you're gonna have to say, Hey bro, ju man, you gotta forgive yourself.

Clarence Fisher: And you do. It's ultimately not the end of the world. Even though it feels like it, even though it feels like you've let yourself down again. You've done it again. So crazy like I could be in the, you wake up and you're in the bathroom and it's like, this morning I thought this is stupid. I feel like the food is calling me. Like I can feel it. I, I know physiologically it's probably, it's the sugar in my system saying, Hey, give us more sugar, but you gotta forgive yourself. And number two, hydrate. Drink water. I agree with that. Start drinking water. Immediately, even while you're binging towards the end of that, start drinking water. Like, you know, if you're, whatever you're eating, start drinking water. Cause I don't know if you're like me, but I stop drinking. I stop drinking water when I'm on a, a real binge.

Clarence Fisher: It's like what I need water for. I was like, that's gonna get me full . You know what I mean? And schedule yourself. Number three, schedule yourself to get some, uh, some they say quality shut eye, but get some sleep. I totally agree with that. Go to sleep. Say, Hey, I'm not going to eat after 7:00 PM today because I gotta get back on track and don't, don't so that you can go to sleep and as soon as you get up, drink some water. For me, I like to have some coffee as well because that kind of suppresses the appetite. So number four for them is to fill up on fiber and protein. I don't know so much about that on filling up with fiber and protein, cuz protein to me, I guess if I ate real protein in my work, protein shakes and protein cookies don't necessarily work.

Clarence Fisher: But I do agree with number five is move, start moving. Because if you're like me, I've stopped moving the whole time for the month and a half. I haven't done anything. So yesterday I told myself, Bro you gotta move. So I did five minutes on the treadmill and that was it for the day. And this morning, today, today I told myself, Okay, now you, you gotta build yourself back up. So 10 minutes today, and I haven't done my 10 minutes. So after this podcast, it's like 4:45 PM uh, my wife gets off work at five o'clock, so I'll finish, I'll wrap this up and I gotta jump on that treadmill and get 10. And so, and when I say 10, I'm talking about 2.5 miles an hour. I'm talking about walking. You can walk around the block if you want to, but get moving. And so tomorrow I'll do 15.

Clarence Fisher: It's really pulling myself all the way back and then gradually walking back up. Okay? And so then we jump into, they say avoid hard to digest foods. Again, I'm putting this link in here and you can go and look at that. I don't know anything about that and what that, what difference that makes. And number seven, keep lunch and dinner clean. I agree with that. We gotta start, we gotta be clean. Look, this, this what you hear right now, this is all the wrappers, these are all the wrappers that are around me. It's stupid. So it's clean from here, from here on out. And I know Thanksgiving's coming up. So that's part of the forgive yourself because it is coming up and they say don't starve as a penance. But I'm jumping back on fasting. Like I, I, for me, I have the addiction. And I was gonna tell you earlier, as far as the AA goes, like I would not claim to be an alcoholic at that point.

Clarence Fisher: But I, at this point in my life of what I've done with food, I will, I would probably, I'm not even probably, I would say, Hi, my name is Clarence and I'm addicted to food. I would, I would for sure say that, but I say don't starve. That's the only thing that's kind of been working for me is fasting. And I followed, Dr. Jason Fung and his obesity code, uh, method. And I subscribe to their, uh, fasting method. I'll put a link there. And that's actually, I'm gonna share with you something here in a little bit. But they say allow flexibility in your diet. Now, I don't necessarily agree with this, but I get it. Everybody is not like me. Like I say, I'm not gonna be absolute, everybody's not like me, me. I have to say, okay, you're done. That's it. No more, no more.

Clarence Fisher: You can allow yourself Thanksgiving, you can allow yourself, your wife's birthday, You can allow yourself your anniversary. But other than that, until I get back to where I was at, this is the game that I play in my head until I get back. I'm on punishment . And everybody will tell you, don't do that. You know, don't punish yourself and don't, you know, it's just this is the way that I have to be with me. You gotta find out what's up with you. So if you still want to allow flexibility, allow yourself number 10, they say it shun the scale. Like don't step on the scale. I just told you I've weighed myself every single day for the past 10 years. So when from 330 something pounds all the way down to 200, and how low did we get? Like 219? I've weighed myself every single, every single day.

Clarence Fisher: And for me, it's just data. For me it's, it's like, okay, don't run away from this. There have been a couple of nights during this binge that I have wanted to go to bed and avoid the scale, but for me it's like, no, look at this. Look at what you're doing. Look at what you've done. Now my wife, on the other hand, she won't get on the scale, She won't get on the scale until she feels like she's lighter . So I envy that. So if that's, you don't get on the scale, but if you're like me and you need the data, you need the data. And so number 11 for them is talk to someone. And I do 100% agree with that. Guess who I'm talking to, right? Right. Now you, and I'm sorry, that, um, hey, there's a way for you to talk to me too.

Clarence Fisher: If you go to, there's a new button there called "Ask Juice." And we didn't know whether to say Ask Clarence, ask big Juice, Ask Juice. That's one of the things you can tell me in your voicemail. You can say, Hey, I really don't get, and don't understand why you call yourself Juice. Actually, it's a nickname. My wife calls my, calls me Juice, my family calls me Juice. Well, hap some of my family call me Junior. But most, most people call me, most people on the personal side call me Juice. And most people on the business side call me Clarence. So if juice or big juice is totally repulsive to you, let me know, you know, what, what, what's your vote? But beyond that, tell me what you're going through. I mean, and then like, if you have questions that need to be answered, ask me a question.

Clarence Fisher: I will research it and my team will research it and we will find the answer. Because I wanna know the answers to it. I wanna know what's working for you. So whatever you gotta do, just go to It says, it says ask Juice on the, there's a button there for right now. We may change it to ask Terry. I don't know, I don't know who Terry is, , but we may change it. All right, Number 12, consult a dietician. Yeah, you can if you want to. I have. And the dietician was like, you have an eating disorder , uh, when you're, other than that, you're doing well, but it's working for you, is what she said. So I have convinced myself, she's telling me that because I fast so much when I'm on it. I only eat on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights because Wednesday nights is our, is our date night and I'll eat on Sunday nights.

Clarence Fisher: And I know you're like, what the heck? I built my way up to it. Uh, I started by, not by pushing back eating the next morning by an hour. So if I would normally get up and eat at eight the next morning, I didn't eat till nine. And I did that for a week. And then the next week I moved to, I didn't eat till after 10. And and before you know it, I just wasn't eating and I only ate, you know, twice a week. And so she says that's bad, but it's, it's working because when I did, when I do eat, and here's the, here's the rub, here's the problem is Sunday, when I do eat, it doesn't matter what I eat and I eat as much as I'm I want until I'm full. And then, cuz I know at five o'clock, that's it.

Clarence Fisher: And I'm not going to eat again until Wednesday. So I guess you could say that I have trained myself to binge or not train myself to binge, but I have, I've gotten away with binging a controlled binges, I guess is what you would say. And so probably what happened was when I allowed myself to celebrate this monumental miracle in my life, I didn't stop celebrate, I didn't stop myself. And all I know to do right now is binge. So what I took from the dietician, I say I, I don't really believe in that, but if you want, but I, I learned a lot from the dietician visit. Uh, what I learned from her is, yeah, I need to get a little bit more help, but this is working right now. So until I get down, I'm like, Oh wait, I'm gonna keep doing it. And that's just, you know, I'm not telling you to do that for sure, but I, what I am telling you is find way out what's working for you and I, and to me, if I have the problem, we're not gonna fix it.

Clarence Fisher: You know, unless I'm, it's not killing me, killing me, right? So it's, it's not killing me, actually. So unless until I get to my goal weight, then to me, we can start working on moderation and all of that stuff. But while I'm seeing results, I'm doing it and I'm definitely not telling you to do it. And I know I'm going to, somebody right now is like, did he say 100 Pound Party, uh, slash Juice? Ooh, I'm, I'm gonna tell him right now that that is not the way to do it, . So I'm welcome. I mean, I will listen to you. So number 13, focus on the big picture. I, yes, definitely gotta focus on the big picture. What's the big picture for me? The big picture is I am going to get to my goal weight. The big picture for you is this binge, as I said earlier, is not the end of the world.

Clarence Fisher: You're going to get to your ideal weight. You have to forgive yourself and you have to snap back and reframe your mindset, which they have is number 14. Number 15 for them is get your greens in. Uh, it's got a nice young lady here with a blender grinding, blending it to me. I'm using athletic greens. I'll put the link down there. I've used it for years and it's just because I'm lazy. , we have a Breville, uh, blender and why I'm, I've got all these brand names and whatever. To me it's, it's starting to be like, you know, on TV when they have all the product placements and you, uh, like Talladega nights, have you seen Talla ? I'm big Will Ferrell's fan. So Talladega Nights where they're going to eat and then, you know, he is got like, I'm not gonna mention all those brands, but it was just like all those sponsorships and it's all on the table.

Clarence Fisher: That's what this is starting to feel like. So I'm gonna stop, but I do use those greens because if it comes in a powder and it's easy, I'm going to take it. And, uh, number 16 for them is rid the kitchen of your binge triggers. Now, totally agree with that. This should have happened a long time ago. For you, there should be no triggers in your kitchen, which is, you know, same as same as me, but which is, but I go to the store, like I I, I do have to leave the house in order to get this stuff. It's like drugs. Like you gotta, I gotta leave the house in order to get it. And unfortunately it's like drugs, . So as I was standing in the, in the aisle holding one box, I actually walked away. I was going to the register and doubled back to get another box.

Clarence Fisher: And I'm like, Hey look, I'm gonna have this one last hoorah. And then I promise in the morning, I promise in the morning, This is so sad, . So, and then number 17 for them is start now, which brings us to right now, we're starting now. I'm starting now and this is what I'm going to do. It is what I've always done and it's always worked and I believe it will work this time as well. And I, I promise like this, I'm not doing another month and a half binging. It's not happening. That, that is a, in my mind, I've already changed my mindset as they have said here on Eat this, Not that, that my mindset has changed. I said, Hey, I've got this whole life in front of me that I have to prepare for now. So that was it. I mean, that was your, that was your party.

Clarence Fisher: You went on the binger. Any other binging that happens in my life should be, will be the day at most the weekend. And when I say the day, I mean the holiday, the special event, cuz we're not gonna get away from that. But this is how we we're getting back on track. And I recommended for you, I do recommend for you to try this and I'm gonna put the link here. It is called Fat Fasting. And I learned this from Dr. Jason Fung and they, they highlight this in their fasting method. I'll put the link in the show notes, but really all it is, is eating fat. And what it does is get your body back into, you burn off all the sugars and all the glycogen, and by eating the fat, you're feeling, uh, full and you get your body to burning the stored fat.

Clarence Fisher: And so the foods that you can eat are eggs, Bacon, I will be eating. I got a bunch of bacon that I bought and I'm gonna put it in the fridge. So eat as much. And you eat as much as you want. I mean, if you're gonna binge, binge on this stuff, and I promise you, in a day or so you won't be hungry again. Like you won't desire anything else, . So, uh, you won't desire any sugar. And when I, it'll all burn out of your system and it's like magic. It's crazy. It works so well. I think I've been running from it. And so I'm telling myself right now when I snap this picture again, that, uh, no more running, I'm going to have bacon. Matter of fact, when I do, after I do my 10 minutes, I'm going to start frying bacon.

Clarence Fisher: And that's what's going to be for dinner. Bacon and eggs. You can have all the anything fatty salmon, sardines, olive oil, butter, gee, mayo. You can have that as long as it's a healthy oil base. I'll have some avocado with my eggs and bacon. My wife, who I told you doesn't struggle. Like I struggle when she even wants to stop. She doesn't binge. But, uh, she will get to a, Hey, I've had too many sweets for too long. Uh, she will start this. And while I'm fasting a long time, she may, she may fast maybe 14 hours, 16 hours, or maybe she doesn't, but she doesn't crave sweets when doing this. So she'll eat the eggs and a piece of bacon. She'll eat one egg and a piece of bacon. Man, I wish I could do that. One egg and a piece of bacon. I will tell you what I'm doing.

Clarence Fisher: I will do four or five eggs. I'm eating six pieces, seven, eight pieces of bacon. I'm eating the pack of bacon. I mean, that's what's happening. But in short order, I will not desire even the, even the quest cookies. I won't desire anything. And so at that point I tell myself, You're back on track. You're back on track. And I feel mad because I've gained 20 or 30 pounds. Couldn't I get get back on track before the end? Well, you know what, it's here. So we're moving forward and I'm going to stay with this fat fast until I can start fasting again. And when I start fasting again on my eating days, then I'm sticking to like they say, the protein and the fiber. So at, at that point I'm having roasted chicken with vegetables. And if I'm going to have dessert, it's going to be Greek yogurt with a handful of, um, blackberries.

Clarence Fisher: And I may have some pumpkin seeds in there just for a little bit of crunch. And so that becomes the meal. And I'm not doing any more of the protein cookies or shakes or whatever. So it's basically eggs for me. It's eggs and bacon, eggs and bacon, little avocado. And I'm gonna eat as much of it as I want. And eventually, uh, you're just not gonna want to eat. It is weird. So try it. Fat fasting. I'm gonna put all of this info in the show notes for you. And you know, the beautiful thing is I know you're listening and you're not, you're not thinking how pathetic is he, right? Because you get it, you my people, and you understand. So try it. Read the article here for fat fasting. Read the article here from Eat this, not that. And, um, next time you have a binge, what I would really like for this to be is your resource for, uh, if, if you binge again, come here and get your motivation to stop and then start. Stop eating, start fat fasting, and then get back on track within days, days, well, I would say a week for sure.

Clarence Fisher: If all you're eating is egg, bacon and salmon , you know what I'm saying, you're going to lose, you're gonna lose appetite for all of that sugar. So if this was helpful for you, we have officially we have officially launched this podcast. So if it was helpful for you, would really appreciate it if you shared it and share with someone who without offending them, if they can, if you, they can find it helpful and use it too. So Apple review it and that's it, you know, wherever you listen to it. And then go to, click the button to ask Juice and share with me what you think about it and if you have a question or anything like that. So, until then, remember, slight right, take slight rights. I'm about to jump on this treadmill for 10 minutes. If you can do that, do that. If you can't, if all you can do is, you know, raise your arms three or four times today and then five times tomorrow, do that. Slight is not sexy, but it works. I'll see you next week.

About This Episode

Need help getting through that difficult time after a binge?

Bouncing back after a binge or overeating can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. With a little effort and determination, you can get back on track and start living healthily again.

In this week’s episode, we’ll discuss some tips on recovery after bingeing or overeating that will help keep hope alive and your motivation high! So if you feel the motivation is there but are unsure where to begin, AGAIN, 🙂 this episode will be perfect for YOU! Listen now!

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