Welcome to the 100 Pound Weight Loss Party!


Welcome to the 100 Pound Weight Loss Party!

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Clarence Fisher: This is it, um, it's time for her to party!

Clarence Fisher: Let's do it! Ready? Go.

Clarence Fisher: What is that? What is that? Welcome to the inaugural? The inaugural. I shouldn't even say that I can't even spell that. Welcome to the first episode of 100 Pound Party, the 100 Pound Party podcast. In this episode, this I want, I, can I say it Niro, wanna say that. In this episode, I'm going to go over what you can expect from me and my team as we launch this new podcast and we have no idea what's going to be, yeah, we do. We know what it's going to be about. We're gonna uncover the tools, tactics and strategies used daily by people like us to lose 100 pounds or more and keep it off for good beyond that. I'm going to give you three specific things you can do right now to help, help you stay motivated and get the support you need and the results you want. And lastly, I'm going to share with you the method that I've been using for years to help me lose I've lost 111 pounds, still going and it's all free and that method is free, right? So all of this stuff today is free. Okay. I'll say today as a , all of this is free. So click subscribe, put it in your pocket and stick around, uh, because this is your invitation to the podcast.

Intro: Welcome to the 100 Pound Party podcast with Big Juice, uncovering weight loss, tips, tools, and strategies used by everyday people to lose 100 pounds or more and keep it off for good.

Clarence Fisher: All right. Welcome back to the party. What I, what I, what up is Clarence Big Juice Fisher. And like I said before, welcome to the 100 Pound Party. So glad that you hear you're here and please bear with me. I have no idea. Really. Well, I can't say that I have an idea of what we're going to do at the 100 Pound Party, but it is a work in progress. So you are here at the very, very, very beginning. And I'll tell you what kicked this whole thing off is wanting to hear from real people because of what has happened in my life. I'll tell you a quick story. It was it. I be, it was June and I had spent, I was at a marketing conference. Okay. Had been at this conference for three days and here it was on Saturday.

Clarence Fisher: The very last day of the conference, I had made it all weekend long, without so much as partaking of a chocolate chip of anything carb related. I would had done well. I had prepared myself. In fact that January, January 1st, you know where I'm going January 1st, I told myself along with a couple of other people that we were going to go one year without sugar. And when I say one year without sugar, I don't mean I don't mean the usual stuff. KitKat, you know, ice cream, all of that stuff. Of course, you're not going without that. I'm talk about sugar, sugar, like no sugar. If I picked up a package and it said it had sugar, or any of the other 3000 words, names for sugar, that is, that is not sugar, but actually sugar. If it had any of that, uh, I didn't eat it.

Clarence Fisher: Matter of fact, there were only, I know, I know you're like there were only three things that I could eat. It, it was eggs, beans. And I did find out that cheddar cheese does not have sugar in real cheddar cheese, craft singles is not chatter cheese. Okay. But real cheddar cheese does not have sugar in it. So I could have a bit of cheese on it. And I lost 60 pounds in six months, so I was going without sugar. Can you imagine being at a conference and going, but I did it and it got to this very last break. It really tripped me out. Cause they would like pass. It's like they passed snacks down the aisle, like a church plate. And it was just super hard to ignore, but I, I did it, got to this last break.

Clarence Fisher: I remember it was the last day, the absolute last break we're going out and in the hallway I saw across the hall, a big plate as, as a tray actually of kryptonite. Um, okay. It wasn't like Superman's kryptonite. It was my kryptonite. There was a huge plate. I keep saying a plate. This is, this is . This will tell you how I thought about it. It was a plate it was a platter. right. It was, it was a big tray. It was a big tray. But I keep saying a plate cuz that's the way that I looked at it of cheesecake. Now, if you can imagine the doors swing open for the break. People are piling out. I am in the middle of these double doors. Just looking people are like bumping into me. Uh, Hey man, what? And I'm just standing there still looking at this tray, the lights dim in the whole hotel lobby. And then there's just this spotlight on the tray and on me.

Clarence Fisher: And I felt myself begin to levitate and float toward the tray. My mind's telling me no, I can't see, but you, you get it. And the next thing I knew, I had a piece of cheesecake in and both hands and I was stuffing cheesecake into my pockets and I looked up and I just started running down a hall. I just ah, ran down the hall. I found a cubby hall. I duck on the side of the corner and I'm just eating cheesecake. And theres cherry juice dripping down my jowls . And I was so disgusted. I called my wife. I was like, you can't believe what I did. Please come get me, please come pick me, come pick me up. so she did. And we were staying and we were in Texas. We were staying at a friend of ours Mindy's and on the way there, uh, you know, my wife's like, well, what are you gonna do? And I'm like, well, I'm going to five guys. I mean, , I'm gonna do everything I hadn't done in six months. And so we did that and you know, it was supposed to be, you know, you're not supposed to fall off the wagon and stay off the wagon, but I did and I ate and I ate and I ate and I ate and I ate for months until I looked down and I was back over 330 pounds. My goodness. I was so frustrated, you know how it goes.

Clarence Fisher: So I thought I need help. I know you're you figured that out, right? You kind of figured that out the first minute of this podcast, you're like, just do needs help, but I need help. So I thought there's probably other people who need help too. And I started this podcast, this Facebook group called 100 Pound Party with the idea of throwing myself a massive party after I lost 100 pounds in a calendar year, that was the whole point is to lose a hundred pounds in a calendar year. And I started the Facebook group for and put a whole bunch of people in there, which was so crazy. I am sorry for the first people that got thrown in the 100 Pound Party group, cuz they're that I know. And can you imagine, you're going about your business on Facebook and then you just get dropped into this a 100 Pound Party Facebook group and it's like, Hey, you seem like you might need help.

Clarence Fisher: you know what I'm saying? I'll help you and you help me. And you're like, Hey man, jerk. I didn't ask to be put in here. Uh, so I'm, I'm sorry for the beginning people, but some people stayed and then they started bringing other people because I was, I was keeping it real about what I was going through and other people could relate. And so we started this 100 Pound Party Facebook group and long story short. I, um, what, when was it? It was August 15th, 2021. This was last year. Ooh. It's almost been a year that, um, I ended up losing 100 pounds. This was over five years after starting the group. I ended up losing 100 pounds and uh, and celebrating. So we hit it. Right. And I wasn't the first to lose a hundred pounds in the group actually.

Clarence Fisher: Joy Tillman is Tillman her last name? Joy. Is that your last name? Joy was the first to lose and I'm actually, we've had an interview with her coming up next. Okay. About what she did to lose a hundred pounds, but I did lose a hundred pounds and I got this message from a guy that I'm gonna read this to you cuz it was super duper cool. I got this message from a guy named Chris and Chris messaged me. I don't know Chris. I still don't know Chris, but he said, hi Clarence, you don't know me, but I am hosting my 100 Pound Party today. He put my hashtag 100 Pound Party. I clicked on the hashtag a few months back to see who was using it and saw your name pop up from 2014 and 2015. This is that's how long I was hashtag 100 hundred pounding, 100 Pound partying it.

Clarence Fisher: He says, imagine my surprise. When I clicked on the hashtag today, the day of the party of his, of his party to see your most recent post and my most recent post was I just hit a hundred pounds. That was the most, my most recent post. And so he's about to hit his he's having his party. He goes on. I just wanted to reach out and say, congratulations on your journey so far. From my own experience, I know the work that goes into the 100 pound transformation. And I can only believe that you have learned so much about yourself in the process. I have Chris. No idea. Well actually you do understand anyways, he closes. I apologize if this message is strange, but it's been cool to see someone else celebrating the same victories. Keep getting it, take care, Chris, Chris, I am getting it and you keep getting it too.

Clarence Fisher: Thank you so much Chris made my day. And so when that happened, I thought, you know what? This is, you know, do I wanna say my calling? Yeah, I do. I wanna, I do. It's super important to me. I mean, I wanna help 1.5 million people lose 100 pounds or more. That is the goal. 1.5 million people lose 100 pounds or more. And how are we gonna do that? We're gonna do that with this podcast. We're gonna do that with the free newsletter. Oh, by the way, go to 100poundparty.com. And there, this is part of those three ways that you can get the help and get results is one, is this podcast. So subscribe don't necessarily rate it yet because this first episode is not representative of what we, what we wanna do. Wait until you, you know, we get a couple of episodes down the line and you're like, you know what?

Clarence Fisher: I really like this. I really like this, then rate it. Okay. But subscribe to the podcast. This is free for you. Go in to 100poundparty.com. Put your email address in there. We've got a free report for you that you're gonna get select the seven motivation, at least right now, the seven motivation tricks that actually work to keep you motivated so that you can lose your a hundred pounds or more and keep it off for good. And then you'll also be subscribed to the free 100 Pound Party newsletter. Okay. I think at some point we may add a paid version to it, just so you know. Uh, but there's always gonna be that free version where this is the way we're starting it. Okay. 1.5 million people. Uh, oh, and then you can also join the Facebook group. If you join the newsletter, it's going to ask you if you wanted to join the Facebook group as well, because that's what kicked this whole thing off.

Clarence Fisher: So all of it's free. If you're gonna help 1.5 million people, you it's gotta be free. Right? You gotta have that freeness to it. So, um, and what it's about, it's help, it's getting this real story of real people. I mean, you know, we see the before and the afters and somebody lost 12,000 pounds in 30 days and, and they're like, well, you can do it too. Click this link and buy my stuff. you know what I'm saying? I would really like to have interviews with people who have lost 100 pounds or more that can actually share with you what happened. Cause I don't think people tell the I'm not gonna say they're not telling the truth, but I mean, there is some real ugliness that happens. You know, if you, you know, I was tell my wife this last night, like people act like they've never dug anything out of the trash the next day.

Clarence Fisher: You know what I'm like, act like you've never set those tortilla chips down and then picked that bag up the next day. So like crush 'em then that's how you learn. You gotta crush 'em. If you're having that cheat meal, you gotta crush 'em and then if you really wanna be, you know, super sure pour 'em out in the, in the trash and, and just shake the trash a little bit, you know what I'm saying? That was ugly. Right? That was ugly. I can't even believe I just told you that, but that's real that's I promise you that's this is the stuff we're gonna talk about and then how to get over it, how to get over it. Because my vices are not necessarily your vices and yours aren't necessarily mine. I mean, you could have heard that thing that right there and been like, oh my goodness, you have problems.

Clarence Fisher: I'm definitely tuning into this. Right. Well, you know, it's fine. So where, where I'm at? I'm I don't wanna be just babbling, but anyway, I lost a hundred pounds and go to 100poundparty.com sign up. All right. I got that message from Chris. And then at about 111 pounds, you know what happens? I started slipping and sliding. I got over my cheesecake. I can't no, no, no, no. I'm not gonna say I'm always recovering from cheesecake addiction so much so that I don't allow cheesecake in the house. Right. And so if, we're ever having a party, if you're ever come over here, please do not bring cheesecake. You will be turned right around. Okay. But what I have started doing, or I did start doing was I got started. I'm gonna say hooked. I'm starting to get hooked on these, these almond clusters at Sprouts.

Clarence Fisher: Like I would say, Hey, I gotta go to Sprouts to get a crown of broccoli and I would walk out with a bag of all chocolate covered Almond clusters. And then I would make excuses. You know what I'm saying? It's it's that it is that addict, you know, I would make excuses, meaning to go to the Farmer's market so that I could get almond clusters. And I found myself, you know, that familiar kind of helplessness, which is really weird. That's another thing that I think we can all relate to this, this weird feeling of helplessness. You may be the bomb at strong, the boss at every other aspect of your life. But there's this helplessness that kind of jumps up sometimes that I can't stop myself. And so I post it in the 100 Pound Party, Facebook group, a and I spelled it out A A R G H ARG, quite literal.

Clarence Fisher: I can't help myself. is what I put. I am slipping, I'm sliding. And one of our fabulous members reached out Nicole Jackson, Ferguson. She said, keep added brother, exclamation, exclamation. You've been so encouraging to so many with this page, meaning the group and your candor. Because one thing I want to do is always keep it real, right? She said, I am 12 pounds away from 100 pound loss since 12, 3, 2020, keep bleeding the way my goodness. How can you keep stuff in your face? When you hear something like that? You can't, and it made me quit. And so this is what I'm talking about. This is what I want for you is this support, this type of support, where you can say, Hey, this is what I'm facing, who has overcome that? What are some ways that I can overcome that this thing is just so freaking tough.

Clarence Fisher: And then when you lose the weight, the hard, hard, hard, hard, hard part. They don't tell you it's keeping it off, but you know that, but you know that, right? So that's what this is for really selfishly it's so that I can interview people who have lost a hundred pounds or more. And how the heck are you keeping it off? How can I not gain this stuff back again? I'm tired of gaining. I'm tired of losing it. I'm getting too old for this. Uh, but then also I'm gonna share with you because I'm a learner. I, man, I learned so much stuff and I purchased so much stuff as you probably do and I want to share it all with you what's working, what's not, especially, and the last thing I'm gonna share with you on this final on this, this better not be the final episode.

Clarence Fisher: the first was like, you know, he had one episode all right. So on this first episode, the last thing I'm gonna share with you on this first episode, because this was not supposed to be a long episode is the method that I used and I told you in the intro that it was going to be absolutely free. And we're gonna go the deeper into this as we go along. And then for sure, in the email newsletter, knows I keep saying the email newsletter 100poundparty.com, is the slight right method. And the slight right method is a method that I coined for sure, seriously. And all it is is taking slight rights. We know where we need to go. Let's just take a super slight right. A tiny habit. Let's build a tiny habit. And when I say tiny, I mean like the smallest imperceptible move in that direction, for instance, at 330 something pounds, I was like, I need to start walking.

Clarence Fisher: Right. Because I feel like I might not wake up tomorrow. So if I do wake up tomorrow, I'm going to start walking, but I'm not about to run a marathon. So what did I do? I got up and I was like, I can make it to the mailbox. Okay. Did that? I can make it to the end of the driveway. The next day did that. Yes. When I said the mailbox, I meant the mailbox that's on the side of the front door. you know what I'm saying? Like get up, go outside. Okay. That was the first day. Now you can go back in the house second day, get up, go to the end of the driveway. Made it woo. Go back to the house. All right. Get up the next day, go to the driveway, make a right. Go to the end of your yard.

Clarence Fisher: Go back. This is what I'm saying in my mind, I was like, there is a park, Two, let's see two blocks, Oh down the street from our house. At that time, if I can make it down there and walk around, you know, that'll be the place where I start doing my transformation and become Carl Lewis, but I gotta get there. And the only way that I knew was I could at least do something. So that next day or whatever I made it to the end of my neighbor's house. Then I made attend to the neighbor next to him. Finally, I made it to the park. Actually. I made it to the parking lot of the park and went back home. Then, you know, it's really funny. I made it to the actual track, touch the track, went back home. I'll tell you a story. One time I was walking, I finally had got to the track and I walked one.

Clarence Fisher: And uh, then I would do one lap in a tree, you know, that tree down there. And finally, one of the older ladies that was there, you know, you start meeting people up the track. And she was walking next to me and she said, you know, you really should do more than one lap. And you know, I was like, you know what? You know what, you know what? You don't know me. You don't know my you don't know my story. you know what I'm saying? I mean, she was true. I, she was right. I mean, I've tried to do that, but you know, some people just need to mind their business. So, um, but, uh, I did, I did end up doing more than one, more than one lap. And we moved 2008, happened all kind of craziness, ended up like getting out of the house and selling everything.

Clarence Fisher: We ended up in this one bedroom apartment and I fell off depressed, all this stuff. You know how it goes, fell off my routine. And one day there, I always get back. The way that I get back into the routine is I feel like I'm suffocating and I'm not gonna wake up the next day. You know, I always get back up to like three something. And then I was like, I gotta start walking again. So what did I do? Exact same thing. Get back. We were on the second floor, get down to the steps, get back. I would go to the weight room, the workout room. I'd walk five minutes and go back upstairs. . Now, if you thought that lady was, was looking at me, judgemental, you should have saw the people in the, uh, workout room that would see me come down.

Clarence Fisher: And this time I would do it for a whole week. Like I would walk five minutes and go, go home. And then the next day, five minutes go home. Like I would do that for a week. And then I'd add another five minutes. So the people that were there every morning that would see me come in and walk five minutes or five minutes, walk, walk, go home. Right. They're like, he is not ever gonna make it, but now I'm running 5Ks. So, uh, there you go. So that was the slight right method. And we added to that. I was having lunch. If you get on the newsletter, there it is again, 100poundparty.com. Uh, I'll tell, I tell this story about having lunch with a very good friend of mine, Lori Montag, who was losing weight very consistently, consistently. I think that's where, yeah.

Clarence Fisher: Yeah. While, while I wasn't, I was losing 60 pounds and I gain back 90 lose 40 gain back 80, you know, just doing these really intense programs. And she was like, you know what, you're doing way too much. I just plan on losing two pounds a month. And I was like, man, see, and you don't know Lori, like Lori's a boss, like, like, like really super looked up to her for a long time. Like she makes stuff happen yet she was like, I just, I'm just trying to lose two pounds a month. And I'm like, man, whatever. Well, it stuck with me and I thought, huh, if I only expect to lose two pounds a month and then I make these slight rights, then they gives me a whole month to try to figure it out and, and have a net, you know, I can gain and lose and kind of fail at it a little bit and just have a two pound net loss, which a two pound net loss is actually pretty difficult, to keep it off month after month after month.

Clarence Fisher: And, um, you know, I would have failures and successes, but at the end of the year, I'd lose 24, 25 pounds. And this is so crazy. So I sat back and I thought, if I could do that four years in a row, I've got a hundred pounds there. And that's exactly what I did. And that's how I lost a hundred pounds. So I'm gonna share with you all those little slight rise that I did and all of that. And most importantly, uh, the interviews of other people who have done this successfully and hopefully can, we can glean some insight together on how to keep it off. So that's it, this is the first episode. It was not supposed to go this long, but you know, hopefully we can have some fun and, uh, yeah, some have some fun while we do that. So 100 Pound Party Podcast where we're gonna uncover the tools, tactics, strategies used daily by people like you and me to lose 100 pounds or more and keep it off for good. I'll see you next week. Oh, go to 100poundparty.com and sign up for the email newsletter.

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Clarence Fisher

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About This Episode

Welcome to the 100 Pound Party podcast!

This is the show where we talk about all things weight loss, from diet and exercise tips to motivation and mindset hacks.

I’ll also be interviewing some of the top experts in the field, so you can get all the information you need to start your journey to a healthier you.

So whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been struggling to lose weight for years, this is the show for you.

Sit back, relax, and let’s get started on your weight loss journey today. Thanks for listening!

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